

Enable anytime, anywhere power solutions

Enable anytime, anywhere power solutions

  • 2022-03-18

Mailely is designed to enable professionals to work anywhere in the world without the constraints of power and charging. Mailely portable  solar power station can be used as a power source. That means you can take your device with you, from your daily commute to your annual off-grid vacation, and discover the power of the combination of portable power station and solar power.

Anytime, Anywhere Power Solutions

I want to take a break at the office (home), but are you worried about ignoring it online? If you have a New Portable Power Station

and a solar power source with omnidirectional charging, you can communicate anytime, anywhere. this is correct. Portable Battery with Solar Panel Whether you're a busy professional or a nomad worker, you need this reliable power source that can go anywhere.

So if you want a universal power solution in any situation, you need to think about how to charge your portable battery. Solar energy is an easily available power source. Mailely's portable power station with solar panels can be used anywhere.

Reliable all-in-one power connection
Our all-in-one professional solution We provide the power and connectivity to give you peace of mind so you can work freely and stay productive anytime, anywhere. You no longer need to find sockets for every device or worry about cables and chargers. Mailely is the only solution to charge all your devices and can be powered directly from the sun. Portable battery solar allows you to connect anywhere.

Endless Possibilities Where You Connect
Our portable battery solar options give you endless possibilities no matter where you connect. Mailely products can be charged directly using the sun as a power source. That means you can relax on the beach, unwind at the campsite, work on the patio, and enjoy a fully charged connection.

The power of Mailely connects you no matter your exposure to the sun. Experience the power you get from a portable battery with a solar panel: the possibilities are endless.

Combine the power of a Mailely portable battery with a solar cell
Mailely can be used in cubicles and desks, but doesn't have to be limited to traditional work areas. The combination of portable battery connectivity and solar options keeps you connected and productive no matter where you are.

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